MP3 vs Lossless: What A DJ Should Know

ZIPDJ is an elite DJ record pool that offers only the highest quality mp3s for download. We offer our downloads in 320kbps, so you know you are getting a pristine audio file when you download from ZIPDJ.
There continues to be ongoing debate as to whether or not DJs should be using MP3s or lossless audio files when they perform. In this post we will go over some of the various advantages to using high quality MP3s which you can download from ZIPDJ.
A lossless audio file is an uncompressed version of a track. While it may seem like a good idea to use only uncompressed tracks when you DJ there are some reasons why it may not be completely necessary, and you may find better value for your money by using a high quality MP3 record pool like ZIPDJ.
First of all, since WAVs are larger files, they generally cost more for you as a DJ to purchase. Sites which offer WAV files for download generally charge a premium for these files and this can add up for you as a DJ. When you invest your money in a record pool like ZIPDJ you get access to unlimited tracks so you don’t need to worry about overspending on WAV files.
Next, it is often difficult for many people to tell the difference between a 320kpbs MP3 and a lossless WAV file. On most club systems that DJs will be working on, listeners generally will not be able to distinguish between a high-quality MP3 and WAV file. There may not be a need to be paying a premium for these files when you can be using more the more affordable high-quality MP3.
The size and speed of WAV files can be an issue as well. If you are carrying around your tracks on a USB stick, you will not be able to hold as many tracks if you store them in a lossless format. Also, when you load a WAV into a DJ deck or a controller software like Serato, it can often load more slowly than an MP3 would, causing you delays as a DJ.
We recognize that many audiophiles demand only lossless audio files, and we respect that. However, as a DJ you do want access to a wide range of tracks, and the value of having access to unlimited tracks is worth any slight reduction in audio quality that will not be noticed in the majority of situations many DJs are working in.
Also, with the rise of online DJ streaming, generally you won’t be broadcasting in a lossless audio format either, so it is not necessary to have WAVs for these situations.
While the debate between MP3 and lossless will continue, we feel that the value of a high-quality MP3 record pool like ZIPDJ remains very strong. Unlimited downloads and the freshest tracks at a reasonable price. You can’t go wrong with ZIPDJ.
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